Family & Children

Family & Children

Our family team includes highly experienced and skilled barristers and paralegals, who are always by your side to guide and support you throughout the process.

The approach that we take is always empathetic and non-judgmental, as we understand anyone who comes to us is probably experiencing some of the most stressful time in his/her life. We are here to provide you with high standard legal advice, documents drafting and court room representations.

We offer advice, litigation service and court representations in the following areas:

  • Child Arrangement Application
  • Child Abduction Proceedings
  • Non-molestation Order Application
  • Occupation Order Application
  • Divorce Application
  • Financial Remedy Application

Due to the multi-cultural nature of our family team, we are able to understand and accommodate the sociocultural issues that often accompany the breakdown of a relationship. We frequently handle cases that involve religious / international elements of Family and Child Law and have maintained a very high rate of success in achieving our clients’ goals.

Although given the nature and complexity of the work, we may not be able to offer a fixed price for the whole case, but we aim to achieve the best possible solution for your particular circumstances, with a competitive stage-structured pricing. Please contact our helpful team for more information.