Legal Expert All the Way Through

For most of the cases we take on at Halton Law, your case will be handled by barristers from start to finish – from the initial consultation till your final hearing is concluded. No agents, case workers or paralegals will be involved. Our barristers attend Courts on a daily basis and possess sound expertise and experience in both litigation and court room advocacy.

Multi-disciplinary Practice and Quality Service

We pride ourselves on the high standard of legal service we provide. Our practice is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and all our barristers are also regulated by the Bar Standards Board. You can rest assured your case will be in the safe hands of professionals rather than unregulated individuals or organisations.

Competitive Fees Structures

Have you been asked to pay extra fees for “counsel’s advice”/”counsel’s attendance fees for hearings” when you are already paying the solicitors? At Halton Law, as your case will be handled by a barrister directly and only that barrister, the fixed fees quoted to you at the beginning will include the hearing fees and there certainly will not be any fee for “counsel’s advice” as we are the counsels. Therefore you will be able to better budget your case right from the beginning.

For the areas where we can offer fixed pricing, please refer to the table below.

Multilingual Services

Our diverse team of barristers can speak Urdu, Pashto, Hindi, Farsi and Mandarin, so that we can best understand our clients’ cases without any language barriers.


For all the areas of Law we practice at Halton Law, you will not need the involvement of a solicitor as you can instruct our barristers from Halton Law directly. All our barristers can conduct litigation for you just like a solicitor would do.

In some cases where the clients have tight budgets, subject to suitability, we can also attend hearings only during the proceedings while the clients litigate for themselves.

The Scheme enables the public to instruct barristers directly rather than though any solicitors. We often find our barristers will have a better understanding of the case at the final hearing through this scheme as they will have handled the cases all the way through. At the same time, clients will save costs as all stages. For instance, there will be no costs for “counsel’s advice” or “briefing counsel”

Very simple – once you contact us, either through telephone or email, one of our barristers will be in touch shortly (if they are not in the office) for a brief consultation so that you can briefly explain your case to them. For most of the areas we practice at Halton Law, at this point, we should be able to offer you a quote for your case for you to decide whether to proceed or not. Such quotes are likely to cover your whole case from start to the final hearing.

Some Figures...

Written representation to the Police                                                         £700

Mitigation including court representation                                                  £1,000

Special reason application including court representation                       £1,250

Contested trial including case preparation and attendance                     £1,500

Drink / drug driving cases defence                                                           from £2,500

Appeal to the Crown Court including settling notice and attendance       from £2,500

Settlement application                                  from £1,000

Sponsorship application                               from £1,500

Investor Visa application                              from £5,000

Immigration appeals                                     from £800

Judicial Review application                          from £1,000

Bail application                                             from £1,000

Uncontested divorce preparation and filing                                         £600

Attendance at the directions hearing including one conference          from £750

Attendance at the fact-finding hearing including one conference        from £1,500 (one day)

Attendance at interim application hearing including one conference   from £750

Attendance at the final hearing in Financial Remedy case                  from £2,000 (one day)

Litigation in Family Law cases                                                              based on hourly rate from £250

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